Strengths Finder Services Tile

Identifying strengths
rather than

Target Audience:

Departmental teams, Individuals, Business partnerships,
Boards / Committees, Leadership / Exec Teams & Families in business


4 hours


From $1695 ex. GST

Strengths Finder

Imagine if you could create positive change with minimal effort!

Our CliftonStrengths strengths-based sessions focus on leveraging the things you are good at. Let us show you how to easily sit in your ‘pocket of greatness’ – where your days are easy, productive, motivating & you feel a sense of accomplishment every day.

Based on the Positive Psychology of identifying strengths rather than weaknesses, the CliftonStrengths framework helps accelerate outcomes by teaching participants how to leverage team strengths to enhance individual & business performance.

This tool helps create the environment for individuals and teams to thrive. If you are looking for a product which can change team dynamics overnight – this is a must for all!

Use it as a 1:1 coaching tool or to fast-track team cohesion & productivity.

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  • Identify and understand individual strengths
  • Understand how to harness strengths easily for accelerated outcomes
  • Ability to identify & appreciate unique strengths of others
  • Achieving state of ‘flow’ (sitting in your pocket of greatness)
  • Leveraging team strengths
  • Individual’s framework of motivators, resilience, emotional wellbeing, belief systems & expectations
  • How to build rapport, trust & respect quickly & easily
  • Changing behaviours through positive psychology framework
  • How to create coaching conversations through positive framework

Team Strengths

Build confidence, resilience, leadership & personal growth:

  • Identify individual & team strengths
  • Harness collective strengths to create improved productivity & job satisfaction
  • Analysis of task suitability to individual (vs role)
  • Understand environment for each individual to thrive
  • Learn individual motivators, priorities & expectations

Couple Strengths

Our couples sessions help create appreciation & dissolve conflict:

  • Identify individual strengths
  • Assess potential to use strengths vs being blocked (unable to access strengths)
  • Potential irritators & strategy to manage each
  • Appreciation of partner’s strengths that you are unable to easily achieve yourself
  • Strategy to work / play together harmoniously using strengths framework

Business Partnerships Strengths

Gain an inherent understanding of each other’s strengths & build trust in their capacity. Identify potential gaps in the partnership & create KPI’s / outcomes suited to strengths. Create a working framework which benefits each individual.


We deliver our programs nationally

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Download more information on the StrengthsFinder HERE


Want to hold this program in-house for your teams? Contact Us to learn more.